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  • Miembros

Hello to everyone in this forum, first of all i'm sorry for the language but i do not know spanish.

Whell, i'm an Italian sport fisherman both with fly and spinning fishing, from half of november 2005 to may 2006 i will be frequently in Barcelona, Spain.

Can you explain me some places to fish from the coast and the needed tackle ( i already own a lot of tackles but i cannot take everithing travelling by plane)!?

Since now i find only informations regarding the Ebro delta, where may i try to fish near barcellona !?

Thank you and good luck for your fishing adventures. :huh:

  • 2 semanas despues...

Hi Zava,

You can can try in in the follow place:

El Masnou

Premií  de Mar




  • 1 mes después...

Lo que quiere saber es, donde puede practicar spinning (lance) cerca de barcelona.

Desde noviembre hasta mayo

  • 3 semanas despues...
  • 2 semanas despues...
Publicado (editado)

Hi Zava,u can also try in Castelldefels or Sitges....hope u enjoy u'r fishing day going there....and wellcome to the forum....have a good :D

Editado por Uruk3D

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