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    Dunkerque, Calais (France)
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  1. eldk

    Pesca surf casting deltebre (in english)

    Ola, we will be back near deltebre next week. Have you some information ? gracias, Eric
  2. eldk

    Pesca surf casting deltebre (in english)

    Ola, we are back from delta ebro, you can have a look at this adress : back from delta ebro We should return there as soon as possible. sincerely yours, Eric
  3. eldk

    Pesca surf casting deltebre (in english)

    Ola, I'm back in deltebre from 18 april to 23 april 2005 with my soon to trying fishing in surfcasting. I usually practice in the north of France (dunkerque, calais, boulogne sur mer). Have you some information on : - what fish should we look for in april ? - what baits should we use ? thank you, Eric
  4. eldk

    Pesca surf casting deltebre (in english)

    Yes, it's my site. I'm back from deltebre. Not a lot of fish, only small lubina (e) that have been send back to water. But, great pleasure to fish. I've met some fisherman from Barcelona (José and his friends) and overs from over cities in spain . Thanks to all. I will try my chance again later. Eric http://www.opalesurfcasting.net/une_semain...article397.html
  5. eldk

    Pesca surf casting deltebre (in english)

    Gracias, merci í tous. Gracias
  6. eldk

    Pesca surf casting deltebre (in english)

    Hi, Muchas gracias ! So, we have to try playa riumar to punta del fangar, with a preference for the neightborhood of riumar, is this right ? What is bluefish ? I've found some in fishbase, what is the spanish or scientific name ? What baits (cebos?) should I try? Should we try "Sardine" ? Greatings, Eric
  7. eldk

    Pesca surf casting deltebre (in english)

  8. Ola, I don't speek spanish, sorry! I'll be in deltebre from 27 december to 31 december 2004 with my soon to trying fishing in surfcasting. I usually practice in the north of France (dunkerque, calais, boulogne sur mer). Have you some information on : - what fish should we look for in december ? - what baits should we use and where should we found them ? - what rules should we respect (minimal size of captured fish ...) thank you, Eric webmaster of : Opalesurfcasting : surf casting sur la cí´te d'opale (France)
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